Ooooooooooh ("We got to fight him together... <spoiler>") =))
Some of my "uncertainities" are gone. :D
Jack is awesome, and the only creator able to blow my mind in approximatively infinite pieces =)
Ooooooooooh ("We got to fight him together... <spoiler>") =))
Some of my "uncertainities" are gone. :D
Jack is awesome, and the only creator able to blow my mind in approximatively infinite pieces =)
Thanks :)
I don't get it.. Is Shia like... Max's brother? Im totally confused and drowning in your sea of episodes.
(He gets angry and says "You told me you won't kill her" or something like this.)
0 _ o
I need a nap... and EXPLANATIONS, like, to the ENTIRE series of tied stories, PLEASE :3
Next episode ;)
Very nice!
The only disadvantage of this game is that it's text-based. You have to reeeaaaaad your way trough the story to understand it. This is a pinch of dust compared to the well-written plot.
LOL! Thanks. This was designed for shorter attention spans. The next game will be short, but I think you'll like the plot better.
Very well-made. ;)
This gets me tired :O
Oh, the psycho feelings, the weird moments, the turns! This VN Is one of the best.
Very very emotional :'(
I'm glad it ended the way it did. But I was shocked about him hurting her :( Anyway, he had honor, as he even tried to kill himself to compesate his mistakes. Glad she stopped him.
Sorry for spoiling a bit, but this visual novel is AWESOME! :D
Thanks, man!
Heheh you should've put a *spoiler alert
Very nice series.
Very dramatic ending :'( ... but I love this.
One thing I have to say, shortly, which is the connection between CB and DD 2 ? (Chronicle Bulletin and Dead Detention2 ) - I happen to not have viewed DD or DD2, but I still want to know a "sip" of the info without having to wander trough the DD1&2 series which as I see happen to have a lot of episodes.
So, short explanation, please :D
After The Moon King and Clear Moon head to New York, they perform an operation- the events of Dead Detention 2. The After Story for Dead Detention 2 takes place directly after the ending scene to this game, and shows Sora meeting her old friends again
This game made me shout like a crazy man. Especially the last level being very hard - you have to guess your path - . The story is small, and resembles just a philosophic thought. You need more to be able to take on this theme.. like a story with characters. The song fits the story but the game is a piece from another puzzle trying to forcely mix with them. The only element of the game itself that fits the theme is the darkness.
Shortly: Too much emotion (story+song) for a little game.
Some reference: Take example from 08jackt, who is amazing at dramatizing the most profitables areas of his games. (Alula Falling 5 ending, and Chronicle Bulletin). Sorry if I'm driving your fans away. ;) Your work is still very good for your level.
*Sorry for typos, if they are.
Thanks for the review. The game was made for a 2 day game jam, so I did the best I could with my abilities within that time frame. I wanted it to be much longer and elaborate, but I started running out of time, so I had to cut it short.
Excellent game!
Half a star is missing for that misleading "Click banner to respawn" (and with it, the pay-to-win resemblance) :) You don't have to click it.
(I understand this typical urge for money ;) )
We don't planned button "respawn" and any ads, but... I doubt that you click the "donate" button, if we add it. Unfortunately, game sponsors are not interested in buying these types of games.
You can pass all game without respawn.
Thanks for 4.5/5. We welcome your suggestions and ideas.
But you could have been more generous with the ending. :'(
Watch out for the After Story episode next month.... ;)
I'll !!SPOIL!! a bit!
Amazing! I like the effort put into making the hall x)
...Oh, and, KEI and KITSUNE ?????? (got Kitsune ending -hallway) Explain. It would make sense if he would reveal that he's a she, but I didn't spot any quote of him saying that.
I will try the other endigs these days.
....oh it's a he alright
Some sort of man with fellings. And an extremely NOOB artist :]
DISCLAIMER: Any opinion or cringe I have manifested pre-2022 was by the retarded send-before-you-think younger me. PM me to change reviews that have hurt your games and stuff.
Age 28, Male
IT beginner
Joined on 3/4/16